Team > Prof. Dr. Johanna Pausch

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
since 2023 Professor: Agroecology, University of Bayreuth
since 2022 Director: Bayreuth Center for Stable Isotope Research in Ecology and Biogeochemistry (BayCenSI)
since 2020 Coordinator: BMBF research consortium "Rhizosphere traits enhancing yield resilience to drought in modern cropping systems" (RhizoTraits)
Researcher-ID: ABC-5266-2020
2017–2023 Junior Professor: Agroecology, University of Bayreuth
2012–2017 Academic Assistant: Department of Soil Science of Temperate Ecosystems, Georg-August University Göttingen
2009–2012 Doctorate (University of Bayreuth) | Doctoral Thesis: „Rhizodeposition and its effects on C fluxes in the soil“
2004–2009 Studies: Geoecology (University of Bayreuth)

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
- Rhizosphere traits for sustainable agriculture
- Mycorrhiza and soil carbon sequestration
- Linkage between aboveground processes and rhizosphere functions
- Isotope technologies

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Zhou, Jie; Loeppmann, Sebastian; Yang, Haishui; Gube, Matthias; Shi, Lingling; Pausch, Johanna; Dippold, Michaela A.
Linking microbial community dynamics to rhizosphere carbon flow depend on arbuscular mycorrhiza ...
in Biology and Fertility of Soils (2025)
doi:10.1007/s00374-025-01897-2 ...
León Ninin, José M.; Muehe, E. Marie; Kölbl, Angelika; Higa Mori, Alejandra; Nicol, Alan; Gilfedder, Benjamin Silas; Pausch, Johanna; Urbanski, Livia; Lüders, Tillmann; Planer-Friedrich, Britta
Changes in arsenic mobility and speciation across a 2000-year-old paddy soil chronosequence
in Science of the Total Environment volume 908 (2024)
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168351 ...
Tyborski, Nicolas; Koehler, Tina; Steiner, Franziska A.; Tung, Shu-Yin; Wild, Andreas J.; Carminati, Andrea; Mueller, Carsten W.; Vidal, Alix; Wolfrum, Sebastian; Pausch, Johanna; Lüders, Tillmann
Consistent prokaryotic community patterns along the radial root axis of two Zea mays L. landrac ...
in Frontiers in Microbiology volume 15 (2024)
doi:10.3389/fmicb.2024.1386476 ...
León Ninin, José M.; Higa Mori, Alejandra; Pausch, Johanna; Planer-Friedrich, Britta
Long-term paddy use influences response of methane production, arsenic mobility and speciation ...
in Science of the Total Environment volume 943 (2024)
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173793 ...
Liu, Qiong; Zhu, Zhenke; Abdalla, Khatab; Ge, Tida; Wu, Xiaohong; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Microbial response to long-term fertilization of paddy soils : Apparent and real priming effect ...
in Geoderma volume 445 (2024)
doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116884 ...
Abdalla, Khatab; Uther, Hannah; Kurbel, Valentin; Wild, Andreas J.; Lauerer, Marianne; Pausch, Johanna
Moderate Drought Constrains Crop Growth Without Altering Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Perenn ...
in Global Change Biology Bioenergy volume 16 (2024) issue 12. - page 1-14
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008060 ...
Zhou, Jie; Sun, Yue; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia; Berauer, Bernd; Schuchardt, Max A.; Holz, Maire; Shi, Lingling; Dannenmann, Michael; Kiese, Ralf; Jentsch, Anke; Pausch, Johanna
Response of microbial growth and enzyme activity to climate change in European mountain grassla ...
in Catena volume 239 (2024)
doi:10.1016/j.catena.2024.107956 ...
Steiner, Franziska A.; Wild, Andreas J.; Tyborski, Nicolas; Tung, Shu‐Yin; Koehler, Tina; Buegger, Franz; Carminati, Andrea; Eder, Barbara; Groth, Jennifer; Hesse, Benjamin D.; Pausch, Johanna; Lüders, Tillmann; Vahl, Wouter K.; Wolfrum, Sebastian; Mueller, Carsten W.; Vidal, Alix
Rhizosheath drought responsiveness is variety‐specific and a key component of belowground plant ...
in New Phytologist volume 242 (2024) issue 2. - page 479-492
doi:10.1111/nph.19638 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Holz, Maire; Zhu, Biao; Cheng, Weixin
Rhizosphere priming promotes plant nitrogen acquisition by microbial necromass recycling
in Plant, Cell & Environment volume 47 (2024) issue 6. - page 1987-1996
doi:10.1111/pce.14858 ...
Abdalla, Khatab; Schierling, Larissa; Sun, Yue; Schuchardt, Max A.; Jentsch, Anke; Deola, Thomas; Wolff, Peter; Kiese, Ralf; Lehndorff, Eva; Pausch, Johanna; Meyer, Nele
Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration declines with climate warming in subalpine and alpi ...
in Biogeochemistry volume 167 (2024) . - page 1453-1467
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007992 ...
Wild, Andreas J.; Steiner, Franziska A.; Kiene, Marvin; Tyborski, Nicolas; Tung, Shu‐Yin; Köhler, Tina; Carminati, Andrea; Eder, Barbara; Groth, Jennifer; Vahl, Wouter K.; Wolfrum, Sebastian; Lüders, Tillmann; Laforsch, Christian; Mueller, Carsten W.; Vidal, Alix; Pausch, Johanna
Unraveling root and rhizosphere traits in temperate maize landraces and modern cultivars : Impl ...
in Plant, Cell & Environment volume 47 (2024) issue 7. - page 2524-2539
doi:10.1111/pce.14898 ...
Köhler, Tina; Schaum, Carolin; Tung, Shu-Yin; Steiner, Franziska; Tyborski, Nicolas; Wild, Andreas J.; Zebene, Asegidew Akale; Pausch, Johanna; Lüders, Tillmann; Wolfrum, Sebastian; Mueller, Carsten W.; Vidal, Alix; Vahl, Wouter K.; Groth, Jennifer; Eder, Barbara; Ahmed, Mutez Ali; Carminati, Andrea
Above and belowground traits impacting transpiration decline during soil drying in 48 maize (Ze ...
in Annals of Botany volume 131 (2023) issue 2. - page 373-386
doi:10.1093/aob/mcac147 ...
Liu, Hongfei; Pausch, Johanna; Wu, Yang; Xu, Hongwei; Liu, Guobin; Ma, LiHui; Xue, Sha
Implications of plant N/P stoichiometry influenced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for stabilit ...
in Oikos (2023) issue 4
doi:10.1111/oik.09649 ...
Nazari, Meisam; Pausch, Johanna; Bickel, Samuel; Bilyera, Nataliya; Rashtbari, Mehdi; Razavi, Bahar S.; Zamanian, Kazem; Sharififar, Amin; Shi, Lingling; Dippold, Michaela A.; Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen
Keeping thinning-derived deadwood logs on forest floor improves soil organic carbon, microbial ...
in European Journal of Forest Research volume 142 (2023) . - page 287-300
doi:10.1007/s10342-022-01522-z ...
Mganga, Kevin Z.; Kuhla, Jana; Carminati, Andrea; Pausch, Johanna; Ahmed, Mutez Ali
Leaf gas exchange characteristics, biomass partitioning, and water use efficiencies of two C₄ A ...
in Grassland Research volume 2 (2023) issue 1. - page 37-45
doi:10.1002/glr2.12040 ...
Zahn, Franziska E.; Söll, Erik; Chapin, Thomas K.; Wang, Deyi; Gomes, Sofia I. F.; Hynson, Nicole A.; Pausch, Johanna; Gebauer, Gerhard
Novel insights into orchid mycorrhiza functioning from stable isotope signatures of fungal pelo ...
in New Phytologist volume 239 (2023) issue 4. - page 1449-1463
doi:10.1111/nph.18991 ...
Holz, Maire; Paterson, Eric; Pausch, Johanna
Rhizosphere carbon priming : a plant mechanism to enhance soil nitrogen accessibility?
in Plant and Soil volume 488 (2023) issue 1-2. - page 175-185
doi:10.1007/s11104-023-05979-8 ...
Teixeira, Pedro Paulo C.; Trautmann, Svenja; Buegger, Franz; Felde, Vincent J. M. N. L.; Pausch, Johanna; Müller, Carsten W.; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Role of root hair elongation in rhizosheath aggregation and in the carbon flow into the soil
in Biology and Fertility of Soils volume 59 (2023) issue 3. - page 351-361
doi:10.1007/s00374-023-01708-6 ...
Abdalla, Khatab; Gaiser, Thomas; Seidel, Sabine Julia; Pausch, Johanna
Soil organic carbon and nitrogen in aggregates in response to over seven decades of farmyard ma ...
in Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science volume 186 (2023) issue 3. - page 253-258
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007264 ...
Liu, Hongfei; Banfield, Callum; Gomes, Sofia I. F.; Gube, Matthias; Weig, Alfons; Pausch, Johanna
Vegetation transition from meadow to forest reduces priming effect on SOM decomposition
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 184 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109123 ...
Zhou, Jie; Shao, Guodong; Kumar, Amit; Shi, Lingling; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Carbon fluxes within tree-crop-grass agroforestry system : ¹³C field labeling and tracing
in Biology and Fertility of Soils volume 58 (2022) . - page 733-743
doi:10.1007/s00374-022-01659-4 ...
Zhou, Jie; Gube, Matthias; Holz, Maire; Song, Bin; Shan, Immo; Shi, Lingling; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Dippold, Michaela A.; Pausch, Johanna
Ectomycorrhizal and non‐mycorrhizal rhizosphere fungi increase root‐derived C input to soil and ...
in Plant, Cell & Environment volume 45 (2022) issue 10. - page 3122-3133
doi:10.1111/pce.14413 ...
Hemmerling, Christin; Li, Zhipeng; Shi, Lingling; Pausch, Johanna; Ruess, Liliane
Flux of Root-Derived Carbon into the Nematode Micro-Food Web : A Comparison of Grassland and Ag ...
in Agronomy volume 12 (2022) issue 4
doi:10.3390/agronomy12040976 ...
Abdalla, Khatab; Sun, Yue; Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen; Gaiser, Thomas; Seidel, Sabine; Pausch, Johanna
Long-term continuous farmyard manure application increases soil carbon when combined with miner ...
in Geoderma volume 428 (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116216 ...
Kumar, Amit; Pausch, Johanna
Microbial nutrient limitation and catalytic adjustments revealed from a long‐term nutrient rest ...
in Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment volume 1 (2022) issue 2. - page 142-148
doi:10.1002/sae2.12015 ...
Zhou, Jie; Li, Zhipeng; Shi, Lingling; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Microbial utilization of photosynthesized carbon depends on land-use
in Geoderma volume 428 (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116160 ...
Klink, Saskia; Keller, Adrienne B.; Wild, Andreas J.; Baumert, Vera L.; Gube, Matthias; Lehndorff, Eva; Meyer, Nele; Mueller, Carsten W.; Phillips, Richard P.; Pausch, Johanna
Stable isotopes reveal that fungal residues contribute more to mineral-associated organic matte ...
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 168 (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108634 ...
Liu, Qiong; Atere, Cornelius Talade; Zhu, Zhenke; Shahbaz, Muhammad; Wei, Xiaomeng; Pausch, Johanna; Wu, Jinshui; Ge, Tida
Vertical and horizontal shifts in the microbial community structure of paddy soil under long-te ...
in Applied Soil Ecology volume 169 (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.104248 ...
Liu, Qiong; Romani, Marco; Wang, Jiajia; Planer-Friedrich, Britta; Pausch, Johanna; Dorodnikov, Maxim
Alternating Wet–Dry Cycles Rather than Sulfate Fertilization Control Pathways of Methanogenesis ...
in Environmental Science & Technology volume 55 (2021) issue 17. - page 12075-12083
doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c03149 ...
Sun, Yue; Zang, Huadong; Splettstößer, Thomas; Kumar, Amit; Xu, Xingliang; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Plant intraspecific competition and growth stage alter carbon and nitrogen mineralization in th ...
in Plant, Cell & Environment volume 44 (2021) issue 4. - page 1231-1242
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005278 ...
Rummel, Pauline Sophie; Well, Reinhard; Pausch, Johanna; Pfeiffer, Birgit; Dittert, Klaus
Carbon Availability and Nitrogen Mineralization Control Denitrification Rates and Product Stoic ...
in Applied Sciences volume 11 (2021) issue 11
doi:10.3390/app11115309 ...
Kuhla, Jana; Pausch, Johanna; Schaller, Jörg
Effect on soil water availability, rather than silicon uptake by plants, explains the beneficia ...
in Plant, Cell & Environment volume 44 (2021) issue 10. - page 3336-3346
doi:10.1111/pce.14155 ...
Rummel, Pauline Sophie; Well, Reinhard; Pfeiffer, Birgit; Dittert, Klaus; Floßmann, Sebastian; Pausch, Johanna
Nitrate uptake and carbon exudation – do plant roots stimulate or inhibit denitrification?
in Plant and Soil volume 459 (2021) . - page 217-233
doi:10.1007/s11104-020-04750-7 ...
Schaller, Jörg; Scherwietes, Eric; Gerber, Lukas; Vaidya, Shrijana; Kaczorek, Danuta; Pausch, Johanna; Barkusky, Dietmar; Sommer, Michael; Hoffmann, Mathias
Silica fertilization improved wheat performance and increased phosphorus concentrations during ...
in Scientific Reports volume 11 (2021)
doi:10.1038/s41598-021-00464-7 ...
Zhou, Jie; Zang, Huadong; Loeppmann, Sebastian; Gube, Matthias; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhances rhizodeposition and reduces the rhizosphere priming effect on th ...
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 140 (2020)
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107641 ...
Kumar, Amit; Phillips, Richard; Scheibe, Andrea; Klink, Saskia; Pausch, Johanna
Organic matter priming by invasive plants depends on dominant mycorrhizal association
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 140 (2020)
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107645 ...
Klink, Saskia; Giesemann, Philipp; Hubmann, Timo; Pausch, Johanna
Stable C and N isotope natural abundances of intraradical hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fung ...
in Mycorrhiza volume 30 (2020) . - page 773-780
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005331 ...
Li, Zhipeng; Scheunemann, Nicole; Potapov, Anton M.; Shi, Lingling; Pausch, Johanna; Scheu, Stefan; Pollierer, Melanie M.
Incorporation of root-derived carbon into soil microarthropods varies between cropping systems
in Biology and Fertility of Soils volume 56 (2020) . - page 839-851
doi:10.1007/s00374-020-01467-8 ...
Rummel, Pauline Sophie; Pfeiffer, Birgit; Pausch, Johanna; Well, Reinhard; Schneider, Dominik; Dittert, Klaus
Maize root and shoot litter quality controls short-term CO₂ and N₂O emissions and bacterial com ...
in Biogeosciences volume 17 (2020) issue 4. - page 1181-1198
doi:10.5194/bg-17-1181-2020 ...
February, Edmund; Pausch, Johanna; Higgins, Steven
Major contribution of grass roots to soil carbon pools and CO₂ fluxes in a mesic savanna
in Plant and Soil volume 454 (2020) . - page 207-215
doi:10.1007/s11104-020-04649-3 ...
Hünninghaus, Maike; Dibbern, Dörte; Kramer, Susanne; Koller, Robert; Pausch, Johanna; Schloter-Hai, Brigitte; Urich, Tim; Kandeler, Ellen; Bonkowski, Michael; Lüders, Tillmann
Disentangling carbon flow across microbial kingdoms in the rhizosphere of maize
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 134 (2019) . - page 122-130
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.03.007 ...
Kumar, Amit; Shahbaz, Muhammad; Koirala, Manisha; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia; Seidel, Sabine; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Root trait plasticity and plant nutrient acquisition in puosphorus limited soil
in Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science volume 182 (2019) issue 6. - page 945-952
doi:10.1002/jpln.201900322 ...
Loeppmann, Sebastian; Forbush, Kelsey; Cheng, Weixin; Pausch, Johanna
Subsoil biogeochemical properties induce shifts in carbon allocation pattern and soil C dynamic ...
in Plant and Soil volume 442 (2019) . - page 369-383
doi:10.1007/s11104-019-04204-9 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Hünninghaus, Maike; Kramer, Susanne; Scharroba, Anika; Scheunemann, Nicole; Butenschoen, Olaf; Marhan, Sven; Bonkowski, Michael; Kandeler, Ellen; Scheu, Stefan; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Ruess, Liliane
Carbon budgets of top- and subsoil food webs in an arable system
in Pedobiologia volume 69 (2018) . - page 29-33
doi:10.1016/j.pedobi.2018.06.002 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Carbon input by roots into the soil : Quantification of rhizodeposition from root to ecosystem ...
in Global Change Biology volume 24 (2018) issue 1. - page 1-12
doi:10.1111/gcb.13850 ...
Gavrichkova, Olga; Liberati, Dario; de Dato, Giovanbattista; Jaoudé, Renée A.; Brugnoli, Enrico; De Angelis, Paolo; Guidolotti, Gabriele; Pausch, Johanna; Spohn, Marie; Tian, Jing; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Effects of rain shortage on carbon allocation, pools and fluxes in a mediterranean shrub ecosys ...
in Science of the Total Environment volume 627 (2018) . - page 1242-1252
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.311 ...
Kumar, Amit; Shahbaz, Muhammad; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Maize phenology alters the distribution of enzyme activities in soil : Field estimates
in Applied Soil Ecology volume 125 (2018) . - page 233-239
doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2018.02.001 ...
Sun, Yue; Schleuss, Per-Marten; Pausch, Johanna; Xu, Xingliang; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Nitrogen pools and cycles in Tibetan Kobresia pastures depending on grazing
in Biology and Fertility of Soils volume 54 (2018) . - page 569-581
doi:10.1007/s00374-018-1280-y ...
Ma, Xiaomin; Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia; Pausch, Johanna; Razavi, Bahar S.
Spatial patterns of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere : Effects of root hairs and root radiu ...
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 118 (2018) . - page 69-78
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.12.009 ...
Banfield, Callum C.; Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Dippold, Michaela A.
Microbial processing of plant residues in the subsoil : The role of biopores
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 125 (2018) . - page 309-318
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.08.004 ...
Holz, Maire; Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna; Carminati, Andrea
Root hairs increase rhizosphere extension and carbon input to soil
in Annals of Botany volume 121 (2018) issue 1. - page 61-69
doi:10.1093/aob/mcx127 ...
Banfield, Callum C.; Dippold, Michaela A.; Pausch, Johanna; Hoang, Duyen T. T.; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Biopore history determines the microbial community composition in subsoil hotspots
in Biology and Fertility of Soils volume 53 (2017) . - page 573-588
doi:10.1007/s00374-017-1201-5 ...
Kumar, Amit; Dorodnikov, Maxim; Splettstößer, Thomas; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Effects of maize roots on aggregate stability and enzyme activities in soil
in Geoderma volume 306 (2017) . - page 50-57
doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.07.007 ...
Hoang, Duyen T. T.; Bauke, Sara L.; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Rolling in the deep : Priming effects in earthworm biopores in topsoil and subsoil
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 114 (2017) . - page 59-71
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.06.021 ...
Athmann, Miriam; Kautz, Timo; Banfield, Callum C.; Bauke, Sara; Hoang, Duyen T. T.; Pausch, Johanna; Amelung, Wulf; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Köpke, Ulrich
Six months of L. terrestris L. activity in root-formed biopores increases nutrient availability ...
in Applied Soil Ecology volume 120 (2017) . - page 135-142
doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.08.015 ...
Awad, Yasser Mahmoud; Pausch, Johanna; Ok, Yong Sik; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Interactive effects of biochar and polyacrylamide on decomposition of maize rhizodeposits: impl ...
in Journal of Soils and Sediments volume 17 (2017) . - page 621-631
doi:10.1007/s11368-016-1576-1 ...
Loeppmann, Sebastian; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia; Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Enzyme properties down the soil profile - A matter of substrate quality in rhizosphere and detr ...
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 103 (2016) . - page 274-283
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.08.023 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Hofmann, Sylvia; Scharroba, Anika; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Ruess, Liliane
Fluxes of root-derived carbon into the nematode micro-food web of an arable soil
in Food Webs volume 9 (2016) . - page 32-38
doi:10.1016/j.fooweb.2016.05.001 ...
Hoang, Duyen T. T.; Pausch, Johanna; Razavi, Bahar S.; Kuzyakova, Irina F.; Banfield, Callum C.; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Hotspots of microbial activity induced by earthworm burrows, old root channels, and their combi ...
in Biology and Fertility of Soils volume 52 (2016) . - page 1105-1119
doi:10.1007/s00374-016-1148-y ...
Scheunemann, Nicole; Pausch, Johanna; Digel, Christoph; Kramer, Susanne; Scharroba, Anika; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Kandeler, Ellen; Ruess, Liliane; Butenschoen, Olaf; Scheu, Stefan
Incorporation of root C and fertilizer N into the food web of an arable field : Variations with ...
in Food Webs volume 9 (2016) . - page 39-45
doi:10.1016/j.fooweb.2016.02.006 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Kühnel, Anna; Forbush, Kelsey; Loeppmann, Sebastian; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Cheng, Weixin
Rhizosphere priming of barley with and without root hairs
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 100 (2016) . - page 74-82
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.05.009 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Kramer, Susanne; Scharroba, Anika; Scheunemann, Nicole; Butenschoen, Olaf; Kandeler, Ellen; Marhan, Sven; Riederer, Michael; Scheu, Stefan; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Ruess, Liliane
Small but active - pool size does not matter for carbon incorporation in below-ground food webs
in Functional Ecology volume 30 (2016) issue 3. - page 479-489
doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12512 ...
Loeppmann, Sebastian; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia; Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Substrate quality affects kinetics and catalytic efficiency of exo-enzymes in rhizosphere and d ...
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 92 (2016) . - page 111-118
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.09.020 ...
Kumar, Amit; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna
Maize rhizosphere priming : field estimates using ¹³C natural abundance
in Plant and Soil volume 409 (2016) . - page 87-97
doi:10.1007/s11104-016-2958-2 ...
Tian, Jing; Pausch, Johanna; Yu, Guirui; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Aggregate size and their disruption affect ¹⁴C-labeled glucose mineralization and priming effec ...
in Applied Soil Ecology volume 90 (2015) . - page 1-10
doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.01.014 ...
Riederer, Michael; Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Foken, Thomas
Partitioning NEE for absolute C input into various ecosystem pools by combining results from ed ...
in Plant and Soil volume 390 (2015) . - page 61-76
doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2371-7 ...
Tian, Jing; Pausch, Johanna; Fan, Mingsheng; Li, Xiaogang; Tang, Qiyuan; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Allocation and dynamics of assimilated carbon in rice-soil system depending on water management
in Plant and Soil volume 363 (2013) . - page 273-285
doi:10.1007/s11104-012-1327-z ...
Tian, Jing; Dippold, Michaela A.; Pausch, Johanna; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia; Fan, Mingsheng; Li, Xiaogang; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Microbial response to rhizodeposition depending on water regimes in paddy soils
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 65 (2013) . - page 195-203
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.05.021 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Zhu, Biao; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Cheng, Weixin
Plant inter-species effects on rhizosphere priming of soil organic matter decomposition
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 57 (2013) . - page 91-99
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.08.029 ...
Pausch, Johanna
Rhizodeposition and its effects on C fluxes in the soil
Bayreuth, 2013 ...
(dissertation, 2012,
Schmitt, Andreas; Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov
C and N allocation in soil under ryegrass and alfalfa estimated by ¹³C and ¹⁵N labelling
in Plant and Soil volume 368 (2013) . - page 581-590
doi:10.1007/s11104-012-1536-5 ...
Schmitt, Andreas; Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Effect of clipping and shading on C allocation and fluxes in soil under ryegrass and alfalfa es ...
in Applied Soil Ecology volume 64 (2013) . - page 228-236
doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.12.015 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Tian, Jing; Riederer, Michael; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Estimation of rhizodeposition at field scale : upscaling of a ¹⁴C labeling study
in Plant and Soil volume 364 (2013) . - page 273-285
doi:10.1007/s11104-012-1363-8 ...
Kramer, Susanne; Marhan, Sven; Ruess, Liliane; Armbruster, Wolfgang; Butenschoen, Olaf; Haslwimmer, Heike; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Pausch, Johanna; Scheunemann, Nicole; Schoene, Jochen; Schmalwasser, Andreas; Totsche, Kai Uwe; Walker, Frank; Scheu, Stefan; Kandeler, Ellen
Carbon flow into microbial and fungal biomass as a basis to understand the belowground food web ...
in Pedobiologia volume 55 (2012) issue 2. - page 111-119
doi:10.1016/j.pedobi.2011.12.001 ...
Sommer, Janine; Pausch, Johanna; Brundrett, Mark C.; Dixon, Kingsley W.; Bidartondo, Martin I.; Gebauer, Gerhard
Limited carbon and mineral nutrient gain from mycorrhizal fungi by adult Australian orchids
in American Journal of Botany volume 99 (2012) issue 7. - page 1133-1145
doi:10.3732/ajb.1100575 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov
Soil organic carbon decomposition from recently added and older sources estimated by δ¹³C value ...
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 55 (2012) . - page 40-47
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.06.007 ...
Pausch, Johanna; Kuzyakov, Yakov
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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Prof. Dr. Johanna Pausch
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth
Raum: 1.16 (Geo II)
Phone: +49 921 55-2292
E-mail: Johanna.Pausch(at)
Google Scholar: Profile
ORCID: 0000-0002-7102-4793