Team > Dr. Ulrike Schwerdtner

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Akademische Rätin a.Z.
since 09/2023 at Professorship Agroecology
2023 Postdoc: Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Uppsala)
2018–2022 Doctorate: Soil Biogeochemistry (chair Soil Ecology, University of Bayreuth) | Doctoral Thesis: "Getting to the roots: Mechanisms of plant nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition in intercropping"
2014–2017 Master of Science: Physisal Geography (University of Bayreuth) | Master Thesis on: Synergistic interactions and priming effects during root decomposition in microbial hotspots in agricultural soils
2009–2013 Bachelor of Science: Geoecology (TU Freiberg) | Bachelor Thesis on: Agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in temperate climates (Northern hemisphere)

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
- Plant nutrient acquisition in intercropping
- Plant nutrition and soil fertility in stockless and veganic farming systems
- Rhizosphere biogeochemistry & Imaging methods
- Plant-soil-microbe interactions

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Andrade-Linares, Diana Rocío; Schwerdtner, Ulrike; Schulz, Stefanie; Dannenmann, Michael; Spohn, Marie; Baum, Christel; Gasche, Rainer; Wiesmeier, Martin; Garcia-Franco, Noelia; Schloter, Michael
Climate change and management intensity alter spatial distribution and abundance of P mineraliz ...
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 186 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109175 ...
Schwerdtner, Ulrike
Getting to the roots: Mechanisms of plant nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition in intercropping
Bayreuth, 2022. - 165 page
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006716 ...
(dissertation, 2022,
Schwerdtner, Ulrike; Lacher, Ulrike; Spohn, Marie
Lupin causes maize to increase organic acid exudation and phosphorus concentration in intercrop ...
in Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment volume 1 (2022) issue 3. - page 191-202
doi:10.1002/sae2.12026 ...
Schwerdtner, Ulrike; Spohn, Marie
Plant Species Interactions in the Rhizosphere Increase Maize N and P Acquisition and Maize Yiel ...
in Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition volume 22 (2022) issue 3. - page 3868-3884
doi:10.1007/s42729-022-00936-3 ...
Schwerdtner, Ulrike; Lacher, Ulrike; Spohn, Marie
Soy and mustard effectively mobilize phosphorus from inorganic and organic sources
in Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems volume 124 (2022) . - page 211-226
doi:10.1007/s10705-022-10234-0 ...
Schwerdtner, Ulrike; Spohn, Marie
Interspecific root interactions increase maize yields in intercropping with different companion ...
in Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science volume 184 (2021) issue 5. - page 596-606
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006148 ...
Schwerdtner, Ulrike
Gutes Essen für alle! Grundlagen einer antispeziesistischen Landwirtschaft von morgen
in Zeitschrift für kritische Tierstudien volume 2 (2019) . - page 155-179 ...

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Dr. Ulrike Schwerdtner
Akademische Rätin
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth
Raum: 1.13 (Geo II)
Phone: +49 921 55-3993
E-mail: ulrike1.schwerdtner(at)
Google Scholar: Profile
ORCID: 0000-0002-5749-5038
ResearchGate: Profile